
9 Proven Ways to Eliminate Your Negative Self Image

Your self-image is your perception of yourself. Your idea of yourself could include so-called “good” or “bad” qualities. What you believe about yourself can make the biggest difference in your life, because your beliefs can cause you to make certain choices and either increase or decrease your chances of success. For example, if you believe that you’re bad at speaking with strangers, you may avoid social situations that include people you don’t know. As a result, you might miss out on your biggest opportunities to find your soul mate, get clients for your business, or the ability to draw in people who are in alignment with your highest good. Well, my friend, you’re in luck: this article contains techniques that can enhance your life.

Change your self-image and enhance your life with these nine proven ways to eliminate your negative self-image:

1. Address your bad habits.

No one is perfect. The average person has faults that could be worked out with conscious effort, to be honest. Shore up your shortcomings. Get in touch with your values, practice a spiritual principle (like compassion), or learn to be a better coworker. Focus on making progress. Perfection is an unreasonable goal.

2. Make a list of your good points.

Do this often, when you wake up and before bed. Start with a brainstormed list and then make a goal to add at least one thing in the morning and at night. What do you appreciate about yourself? If you do this long enough, you should start to notice a change in your mood and self-regard.

3. Live by your morals.

Intuitively, you know the difference between doing the right thing and doing the wrong thing. If you can live according to your values, how can you feel bad about yourself? By figuring this out, you can improve your confidence by living in integrity with your inner values.

4. Spend time each week helping others.

Volunteer or help a neighbor. Help someone without expecting their thanks or any accolades. Luckily, there are plenty of online resources that list volunteer opportunities in different niches all around the world. By deciding to help someone else, you will start to see yourself as a worthwhile, confident person.

5. Experience success.

Celebrate small wins. You don’t have to wait until you’ve climbed the mountain; cheer yourself on at every step. If you’ve been feeling depressed, are you sticking to a routine of activities of daily living? Did you shower, feed yourself healthily, and exercise? Turn up, Sis! By setting “small” goals, accomplishing them, and celebrating, you start to build the energy you need to climb the aforementioned mountain.

6. Spend time with those who think highly of you.

I guarantee you, someone loves you and all you are. In fact, it’s safe to say that there are plenty of folks who will sing your praises. Spend more time with them, which decreasing the time you spend around people who just bring you down. Avoid those who are negative, unkind, or unsupportive. Life’s too short for that mess.

7. Spend time doing what you love.

Make yourself feel good on a regular basis by making time for creativity and self-care. These can also be small wins, which have the same power.

8. Let go of the need to be perfect.

My grandma used to tell me that the only perfect human departed this earth thousands of years ago. You can release the expectation of perfection and give yourself some slack. In fact, self-compassion is the new thing. However, you can decide to work on developing into your best self and commit to this daily.

9. Treat yourself well.

By treating yourself well, you’ll start to believe that you deserve it. Envison your inner child; speak to yourself the way you needed to be spoken to back then. Deciding to be compassionate by learning your needs and fulfilling them without judgement will free up so much time, which can be used to fulfill your goals.

Do you think highly of yourself? Having a limited image of yourself can close you off from so much goodness in life, costing you money, time, joy, and love. It’s well worth the time to enhance how you see yourself. Until you do, you’ll find it difficult to achieve more than you think you deserve. So believe that you deserve a lot and you’ll enjoy more of what you desire in life.

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